At HaBaWaBa International Festival today was the great day of Fabio Bencivenga, the testimonial of the 12th edition. The former Italian international – winner of Olympic bronze medal, 3 Champions Leagues and 4 Italian Leagues in his extraordinary career – was overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the little athletes, returning their affection with selfie and autographs. “The moment I entered the Bella Italia Village – Bencivenga tells us – I was touched by this fantastic atmosphere. It’s nice to see the kids so involved by a common passion as HaBaWaBa and ready to share the experience of the International Festival. The organization is the same of any great event. In this way we can really get the kids passionate about waterpolo and do the good of our sport”.
Bencivenga not only watched the games and met the little players, but at the end of the morning program dived into the pool with them for a joyful unscheduled break. The champion, who at 42 years of age returned to play in Italian 2nd division with Arechi Salerno, couldn’t resist the call of HaBaWaBa.
- Bencivenga and his former teammate in Posillipo Francesco Postiglione